Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Past, Present, Future

I stole this from Lindsey Teague - one of my most favorite bloggers/scrappers/html gurus/general people that I've never met. :) She's very cool. Anyway.

20 years ago I . . .
1. Was in Pre-School at Renton Christian. Had just had play dates with Brett and Jordan - two guys I'm still friends with
2. Getting ready to go to Disneyland with my family (even though I don't remember it so I don't think it should count)
3. Was sharing a room with BOTH my brother and sister. This would continue until I was 9 or 10.

10 years ago I . . .
1. Was in eighth grade at Renton Christian - best friends were Laura, Eliza, and Angie
2. Was crushing on my first "special friend" Jeremy. We never "dated" since we weren't allowed to date at such a young age, but we passed notes and -gasp!- held hands during chruch!
3. Had my first steady baby-sitting job for a very strange family. (They had been married, then got divorced, then re-married, then got divorced again but they still lived together. And the oldest kid was older than me but I was in charge of him too.)

5 years ago I . . .
1. Had just finished my first year at WWU and was wondering what on earth I wanted to be "when I grow up"
2. Lived in a house with 7 other girls - it was like the Real World, only worse. It was crazy, but some fun memories (like being addicted to American Idol the first year it was on)
3. Was working at Treasury of Memories and Blockbuster in Bellingham.

3 years ago I . . .
1. Was still trying to decide if I should go back to Mercy Seat after I had been there for awhile.
2. Was working at ITL (the "phone company" as my friends know it), meeting some different people than I had ever expected to know.
3. Bought my first car (the Focus!)

1 year ago I . . .
1. Was looking at taking the course to obtain my Real Estate Licence (working at CBBain's Relocation office)
2. Had been dating Jason for almost a year.
3. Went to a fair with a boy (Jason) for the first time - what had always been my "dream date" - where he won me prizes, we walked around holding hands and did pictures in the photo booth. <3

So far this year I . . .
1. Changed jobs (again)
2. Learned all about transmissions and drag racing and continued going to school - 3 quarters so far this year!
3. Was told "I love you" for the first time. :)

Yesterday I . . .
1. Took pictures of myself since I noticed I have no pics of me in over a month.
2. Found out I may have gotten my first B. :( (I will find out later today)
3. Won a bet with Jason about who would win "Hell's Kitchen" - he now has to either watch "Newsies" with me or go see "Hairspray". (bwah ha ha)

Today I . . .
1. Was very late compared to when I wanted to be at work, although that meant that I don't have to sit in on a meeting I didn't want to sit in on anyway.
2. Have my very first swimming lesson!!!!!
3. Will be getting Madden 08 for Jason. :) He has no idea and will LOVE it.

Tomorrow I. . .
1. Will probably end up sitting in the continuation of the meeting I didn't want to sit in on today.
2. Will be touring a local company as a work event. Weird.
3. Will be EXSTATIC that it will already be Wednesday.

In the next year I shall . . .
1. Continue my schooling to try to knock out my AA. Possibly bump things up to 2 classes a quarter? (so only 1.25 more years instead of 2.5...that seems so long!)
2. Hit the 2 year mark with Jason (and more?)
3. Move out by myself. (yikes!)

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