This week has been very boring at work. Not good.
Some good news:
- Jason's brother and sister in law had another baby girl about a month ago and are having a baptism service on Sunday. They've asked Jason to be the godfather! He's very excited and I think it was very cool of them to ask him to do that. :) (so now he's the Safety Guy, Inspector, Godfather...this boy has too many nicknames)
- I called about the scholarship I've been using for school (was awarded it in HS and had 6 years to use it) because I realized the 6 years was supposed to end spring quarter of this year. And they just paid for my summer quarter. And I don't want them to stop paying. :) Well the lady was SUPER nice and said that since my quarters remaining would just have expired, she would extend them to the end of 2007!!! So I get one more quarter for free! I'm seriously debating taking 2 classes online this quarter to really get as much as I can from this, but I haven't decided yet. You will know (I always share)
- I might make Christmas cards this year. Woot woot!
- I went swimming 2x already this week and plan to go tonight. And tomorrow if I don't house-sit. (That would be trying another pool again) I'm getting a little better, and can go a lot farther than last week, but that whole "it doesn't wear you out" bit? I lied. I was friggin dying!
- The Puyallup Fair starts in 15 days!!!!!! Wahoo!!

- The Evergreen State Fair , however, is going on NOW!
We are going to see Josh Gracin and Joe Nichols
at the Evergreen State Fair on Monday. I love fairs. And Evergreen State is my 2nd favorite out of the 4 I go to (usually) each year (Puyallup Spring, King County, Evergreen State, Puyallup). Should be good times! :)
- Ummm...I think that's all for now. Until next time!