Friday, November 16, 2007


Just a quick little PSA

Go to and check out "Amazon Customers Vote" in the right hand corner.

It's a fun new promotion we're doing where customers can see a potential sale price of 3 items in each round. After seeing the potential sale price, you vote on which item you would like to buy at that price. Whatever item gets the most votes will actually be offered at that price to a random selection of people that voted for it.

For example, in the first round the three options are:
Nintendo Wii - regularly $249, potential price of $79 1000 offered
Sony PS3 - regularly $399, potential price of $139 1000 offered
Xbox 360 - regularly $279, potential price of $99 1000 offered

So whatever wins, 1000 people that voted for that item will get a chance to purchase the item for that price.

AND if you vote for something that DOESN'T win, they will still offered a limited number of the items at a different sale price (not quite as low, but still better than you'd find ususally).

There's cameras, toys, a laptop, diamond earrings, dvd players (blu-ray or HD), and more! There are six total rounds and starting on Thursday, Nov. 22nd you can log in to see if you won the round for that day (so you will need to log on to Amazon for 6 days in a row to see if you won).

Go vote. And whatever you win you can give me for my birthday. (only 34 more days)

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