Saying vows/exchanging rings:
Me and Asia:
One of my favorite parts of the reception was when one of their friends did his rendition of "Ice Ice Baby" - it was awesome!!!
YAY!! It was really cute.
On the 14th, Jason and I went down to Pike Place and wandered - it was so much fun! I love being down there. Of course pictures of that too:
The market: Of course, I had to take pictures of the fish-flingers. Couldn't get any of them actually throwing the fish, but this was good enough for me.
We stopped for some treats and I had a frozen banana which I didn't really think about until Jason took some pictures...silly.... :)
And these artichokes were friggin enormous!!! It was nuts!!
And of course, the flowers. The daffodils were so pretty and then there were some tulip/lily hybrids that were amazing!!

Let's see..what everyone and their mother was out of the office last week and it sucked. I don't like when people are gone, and to top things off I had to train the person that's taking over the admin position. I hate training. I'm the most impatient person I know, and that was not fun. Geez. But oh well.
Friday was the big scrapbook event!! I left work a little early and went to get things ready then I went to pick up Ms. Ashley to head up to Bellingham and Treasury of Memories. It was funny because I think we both knew we would get along and do fine together, but since we hadn't spent much time together at all and now we were heading into 24 straight hours, I know I didn't really know what to expect but I had a blast! She's so much fun! :)
Anyway, we got there and were totally overwhelmed - there was so much to this thing - they went WAY above and beyond to make it a fun night! There were probably 70 people there and most people were 4 to a round table, so it was tricky, but fun. They fed us SO much, too!! We had dinner catered by Izzy's pizza and Olive Garden, 3 mid-night snacks, breakfast by Designed Dinners, and then lunch by I think Subway. It was so good!! :) Anyway-pictures!! :)
Ashley and I:

1 comment:
Oh no! I'm sorry that you're sick. All that lack of sleep! It sounds like you had fun at the fair. The video of the drummers was cool - it looks like they were entertaining. The crop was a blast. I'm so glad you asked me to go with you! I hope you feel better soon!
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