There’s a commercial on the radio right now for abstinence and while I all for that, it ends with “No sex, no problems”. I think that’s just misleading.-----------------------------------------------------------------
I’m seriously overwhelmed with trying to come up with a fun idea for Jason’s birthday. It’s the weekend after 4th of July and he and I both have the Thursday/Friday after the 4th off so he has told me he is expecting something cool. I just can’t think of anything. I went as far as looking into flying somewhere random (like…Milwaukee) or driving to Portland, Vancouver, WA or Vancouver, BC but once we got there – then what? I’m still looking into events in different cities, but since it’s a holiday weekend it’s still super tricky.
I was complaining to him about how hard this is (and also learned that, no, he does not want to skydive or bungee jump) and was saying that I can’t even go off what he has done for my birthday to get ideas because it’s nearly impossible to do anything significant for my birthday, as it’s right before Christmas. Even eating dinner at the Cheesecake Factory turns into a “situation” because everything gets SO busy. And now that I work at Amazon, time off in Nov/Dec is practically unheard of (until after Christmas) so Jason’s birthday next year won’t be any easier. Sigh.
The only idea that has seemed remotely possible is going to Moses Lake for a day or two and renting Jet Skis and going bowling, etc. But we could just do that here and then his friends or brother(s) could go with him. Sigh. And his neice/nephew will probably be born that week too, so maybe staying in town is the way to go. Lame.
Saw this on Weddingbee (http://www.weddingbee.com/) – a scrapbook in a cd case with the journaling throughout the book being the lyrics to only one song (“Better Together” by Jack Johnson – which I adore, by the way). So cute. Must do.
My Macroeconomics final is tonight. I’ve done VERY well in the class (including bonus points and such, I currently have 100% on both tests, and class participation points) but I haven’t gotten the score from our big paper and obviously the final to know what I will get in the class. I “just” need a 3.0 to get my scholarship for the rest of the year. Pretty sure I will be okay, but cross your fingers! The professor really likes me and is the Dean of Students at the Community College so getting on his good side was a smart move for me. :)
Ummm that's all...just thought I'd ketchup (har har har)
Good luck on the Final tonight~ I'm pulling for you!
You are so sweet to congratulate me on your blog! Thanks.
Maybe you could take Jason to Port Townsend? We went there last summer and loved it and we're going again this weekend for our anniversary. It's not too far away and it's such a cute place with little shops and stuff. Just a thought.
Good luck on your final!
I almost forgot to mention that I love the cd scrapbook idea you posted. So cute!
Vancouver is always nice. Jason probably won't share my level of enthusiasm for the shopping and the cupcake store but there's other stuff to do. Victoria is great too.
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