Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Catching Up With the Times
Friday, May 16, 2008
Picture Project (catch up)
G is for Glasses (that I will never wear again!)
Okay this next one is a little "G is for Gross" (har har) - after Lasik, it's common to have burst blood vessels in your eye from the pressure/suction. But that doesn't make it "not-gross". And on top of gross eyes, a very flattering picture of myself. ;)
G is for Gorgeous Day - I snapped this with my camera phone from Courtney's In-Laws deck. The problem: I was taking the picture of the water and not ON the water.

G is for Gambling/Good Luck
Courtney and I had been going to play Bingo every Friday for a few weeks and had never won. Each week is only $20 (and it lasts about 3 hours) so it wasn't THAT bad, but then one night, Courtney won $200!!! (don't tell her I posted this pic. She doesn't read this and she would kill me) H = April 13 to April 26
H is for Happy Birthday
(cause sometimes people actually SEE when I send Happy Birthday greetings at ball parks.... oooh low blow...ha ha)
My family and I at Knotts Berry Farm on my brother's 29th Bday
(sister, mom, sister-in-law, me, dad, brother) I = April 27 to May 10
I is for Ice Cold Beer: I is for Iguanas
(from the St. Louis Zoo - they were fighting. It was hysterical. Bob that head!)
Now I'm onto J's, but those are "due" yet. :)
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
r @ n D - m
Okay. Well. Anyway.
So here are some things I thought you may/may not know about me before today. You know, cause you’re curious and I’m here to answer all your questions. Okay not all. Anyway…
· I have only had a kiwi maybe 2-3 times in my life. I like them ( well, what I remember of them) but for some reason we never really had them growing up.
· I wear a size 11 shoe. (shut up)
· I had a 4.0 working towards my AA. That was ruined by Accounting.
· I only wear “MAC-up” (MAC make-up)
· I recently (as in, yesterday) set a goal for “50 by 50”. I want to visit all 50 states by the time I’m 50. I’ve been IN over 20 states in the past but couldn't decide what would constitute having "been to" a state. Like Illinois - I've driven through it, but never got out of the car. What counts? So my new criteria is that I have to get a souvenier deck of cards in the state. This will require me to re-visit some that I've already been to.
· I don’t watch “The Office” and I shock people with that on a regular basis. I’m starting season one this weekend.
· My favorite store to shop in (for now) is NY & Co.
· I really really really want to go to London. I don’t feel I can completely explain how much I want to go. Especially in the London Eye.
· My favorite ride at amusement parks (other than coasters) is the ferris wheel.
· I purposely listened to a Dave Matthews Band cd for the first time the other day. More than once. (I was studying and wanted background noise that wouldn’t distract me and it seemed to work).
· When I go shopping, I tend to shop for the same color the whole time. Not sure why, but I come home with all red, or all green, or all purple, etc. It’s weird. I know.
· If I could lower the calories in any food (so I could eat it as much or as often as I wanted) I would pick fettucini alfredo.
· Today I set a goal for myself to jog/run a 10k at some point. It will count if I do it on the treadmill in the gym, but my real goal is to get to a point where I go for runs outside. I hate running. Passionately. Like I don’t know that I want to even try to jog a mile yet.
· This is my 6th blog. Since 2001.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Trip to St. Louis (in review) and a new contest!

Aww...friends! (I stole his shades....) :

But he was not happy: So then we had to do a "we're not happy" pic. Ha:

Then we headed off to one of the casinos.
Where I won.
Okay, I broke even.
And I thought the 14 mph in Downtown Disney was ridonkulous (it is) but this takes the prize:
Dizz had mentioned that he'd never done photobooth pics before, so guess what I made him do (bwah ha ha)
(the curtain opened. Whoops)
Waiting in Line: We went on All KINDS of rides - fast, upside down, the Tony Hawk roller coaster (which we agreed was our favorite) and then we went on one called "The Boss" which is an old wooden one that just goes up and down steep slopes. No big thing right?
The Boss Ate Brandon's Blackberry.
His 3 day old blackberry. (new from an insurance claim on the old one).
It was very very sad. (now you see why I'm glad I didn't bring my camera?)
But it DID mean that he had a justifiable reason to buy the new Blackberry Pearl: It has Wi-fi. And Video. And a 2.0 mp camera (instead of the 1.0 on mine). And it's prettier.
I have "new-pearl-envy". ;)
We made a pit stop at Dizz's casa so he could sync the new phone (note to data phone users, don't just sync your phone with your computer, do the backup feature. It will save you MUCH time with settings, etc) then headed out to grab some dinner.
We ended up at a bar where I ordered a Diet Coke and was brought this: A mini pitcher with a straw?!?! I love it. Fo Shiz.
Then we headed to our main event for the evening - seeing "IronMan" at the Moolah Theater.
The Moolah sounds pretty similar to Big Picture in Redmond, except you get to sit on leather couches!!! ROCK!!The next day it was time for the Cinco de Mayo festitivies!!
Oh, we kept passing this and I had to take a picture. (Hard to read, but it says "Bek hee Chinese Restaurant"): We were meeting some of Brandon's friends for lunch at Las Palmas and had some drinks:
And we got free Cinco beads! Yay!
We hung out and did nothing, really, (hey it was our vacation!!) until we met up with his friends again later for round 2.
Off to Chevy's (better than Azteca, but similar) Brandon's opinion of margaritas:
Chevy's was fun (crowded for the first few hours) and it was fun to meet more of Dizz's friends. After that, we headed to their local bar for some continued shenanigans.
The guys were VERY upset to find their bowling game replaced with Big Buck Hunter. But (of course) that didn't stop them from playing:
Beth (the only other girl to show up to the bar) and I played the touch screens. That was fun: And, yes, more drinking...
And the boys wrestling...
And that was the end of that day.
Tuesday it was time to crack down and go see the sites.
(caught this picture of Dizz and I before we left. Told you we were addicted)
Quick pit stop for Slurpees:Then off to a local favorite:
It's a total mom-and-pop type place that is ridiculously fun (and good!!)
They're known for their delicious malts:
Check out this tight building that changes colors. (weird!)
Next on the agenda:
HALF of the display of all the Anhauser-Busch beverages:
Oooh a Clydesdale!
Our lovely bus:
Sampling the merchandise:
And it was good. :)
(I swear we did way more than drink. These pictures are funny)
Next it was off to go up the Arch!!
You ride up in TINY little tram-things that squeeze 5 people into a sauna. No joke.
(shh...don't tell...you're not supposed to take pics on the tram, but we did and it's our favorite!)
Busch Stadium from the top of the Arch:
After that, we started driving back and got invited to meet MORE friends for dinner before we met up with people for a night of bowling (Brandon's ridiculously good and I was bound and determine to see "The Professional" bowl in person).
So where'd we go for dinner? :)
Then off to bowling!!
The must-take pic everytime I go bowling (shoes):
see he even owns his own shoes!! DANG. Not pictured the 3 bowling balls he brought (out of the 5 he owns!!!!!)
I didn't do too bad the first time. (Brandon's score was surprisingly low, but look at the last 4 frames - dang, skippy!)
When Dizz would get a strike he'd do this funny "yes" motion. I tried SO hard to get a picture of it, but this was all I got (sad, but I know what it is!): He saw me taking pictures of him so started taking pictures of me. :p

About this time it started raining. And not like Seattle rain, where it drizzles for a few minutes and then you're fine.
It poured.
Luckily we made it pretty quickly to the Penguin House (we'd been looking forward to that!)
It was so much fun!! (wish this didn't come out so blurry)
We determined the penguins were our favorite for the day. :) We decided to try to wait out the rain for a bit and when it wasn't passing, we bit the bullet and bought umbrellas.
We didn't want zebra or tiger, so when we saw a black and white "penguin" one we were like "okay, that one will be more normal, right?" so we each bought one.
Not so much: But I'm the girl that wears candy necklaces and stuff at 25, so I was fine with it.
Brandon got mocked by 6 year olds. ;)
Totally wish I would have gotten a pic of him with his snazzy umbrella.
And of course when we saw another photobooth, we HAD to: Brandon's a Coke Zero guy and I'm a Diet Coke groupie, so this was perfect:
Aww...we're fun.
I seriously loved it there. Such a fun trip and so lucky to have gotten to go hang out with Brandon on his vacation.
Not gonna lie, miss it / him a lot. He's a great friend and his posse is full of good people.
Lucky for me, though, he's coming here in August for a concert. :)
We're both trying to get back into a healthy weight, so we decided to have a little competition of our own.
It started today with us weighing ourselves and when he comes here in August (15 weeks) we will see who has lost the highest % of their beginning body weight.
I think we decided that the prize for the winner is the loser buying them a fancy dinner out, but that may change (for some reason that doesn't seem like the right prize...) Suggestions?
So it's back to healthy living for me. Yay.
Oh and just because I spared Brandon the embarassing pics of him, here's this....ha...