Jason’s best friend Cling has grown up in a family of drag racers and his dad is fairly well-known in west coast drag racing. Coincidently, Jason’s family lives within walking distance of the largest raceway in the area. They hung out there a lot.
Clint now races a dragster, his dad races a car that looks similar to the funny car, but is actually a different class. We don’t know any jet car people.
CLint and his wife are at different races at least 2 times each month between May-August with races every weekend in July. So…of course, we went to the local ones.
I was so lost. I had no clue what was going on, why, and I hated being out in the 85+ degree heat we had last year. It. Was. Miserable.
This year, though, I know his friends MUCH better and am WAY more comfortable around them which makes a huge difference. I vaguely know what to expect at the track and have a year under my belt of remembering what occurs at a race and hearing about them and putting the 2 together. I get it so much more now. I actually like it.
Since Jason and Clint LOVE watching it and us girls don’t really care either way, it’s on. A lot. I learn even more. I grew to love John and Ashley Force - a father/daughter team that seemed to be everywhere and always did well. Lucky for me, they had just recorded a reality show so I saw that he actually has 4 daughters, 3 of which were on the show. He cracks me up.
John Force: Ashley Force (she's so pretty!):
Next weekend (the 21st - hence the 7 day countdown), John Force Racing will be at our local track for the National races.
I’m friggin stoked.
I know I probably won’t get to meet them, but I just want to catch a glimpse! It will be so fun!
Ashley’s only 24 and she’s already set major records in National Drag Racing for being the first girl to do a bunch of things. She wants to be the first girl to win a race (not just 2 cars racing – win the whole class - which is really hard to do!) and has a bunch of other goals which I think is rad.
I’m such a nerd. I’m gonna be total paparazzi at a boy’s event. :)
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