Thanksgiving was a little different this year, it fell on my sister's 27th birthday! We wanted to do something a little different and special for her, so my mom booked dinner at the Space Needle!!
She was excited:

As cool of a view as this is, I love the shadow of the needle in the lower left.

Working our way around...

Oh pretty:

The fountain!

The stadiums, my office and Mt Rainier:

This sign was on the little basket they sit in to clean the windows of the Space Needle. Cause if I fell, I would want my neck to stop me...

Our dinner was the "Thanksgiving Sampler" - Turkey, Ham, Stuffing, Veggies, rolls, and I'm sure some other stuff I'm forgetting.

Evidently none of the girls in my family like Cranberry Sauce - good thing Dad does.

Someone put this oragami bird on the windowsill so as we moved around we saw it. I totally thought of Prison Break. :)

They came around to our table to take our picture. I'm cheap and didn't want to buy one, so I took a picture of the screen they show it to you on. :)

Then came dessert - I got the Apple Tart:

Mom got the Pumpkin Pie:

Dad got Pecan Pie:

Then we headed up to the Observation Deck. Of course pictures followed:
Sister, sister:
Dad, sister, Mom:
Me, sister, Mom:
Dad, me and Mom. Dad stood on his toes (I'm actually taller)
The `rents:
Dad, me, sister, mom. (The back row bent down to get the skyline in)
Fun! While we were at the Needle, my brother called to tell me that he and his wife had decided that morning to fly up from L.A. to visit. I wasn't supposed to tell my family, but needed to make things happen, so that was tricky but fun. :)
After the Needle we made a pit stop at Kmart (they were open???) to kill some time before we went to see "Dan in Real Life":
It was pretty good!! Dane Cook is just dreamy. :)
After that, we went to my parents house, I had to run up to Mercer Island to feed the dogs and cats I was sitting for, and then we headed back to my parents house for cake and ice cream. We were all hanging out and my brother and sister-in-law showed up. Yay!
(they didn't really wear that - I forgot to take a picture of them!)
So that was fun.
Friday morning I had to work at 6:30am - ridiculous! But I wasn't about to let that stop me from the sales so I woke up EARLY and hit the mall at 4:30am. I got TONS of great deals and am almost finished with all of Jasons gifts. Yay! I got some stuff for me too. :)
This week is all anticipation of Thursday when Jason, sister, sister's friend and I will all be going to see...
We got 13th row seats so I am totally stoked - you'd better believe I'll have pictures to share.
A little inside joke for other Dane fans:
Have a good one!