So I have thought about blogging a lot lately. I think that should count for something.
As a matter of fact I've been taking pictures when I think about blogging just to prove it. ;) Just joke.
So I got my hair cut. There's a salon in the area called
7 salon that specializes in suggesting cut/color to best suit your facial features and body type. And frankly, I was a little sick of my hair.
(You'll have to imagine my hair here, cause I don't have a picture of it down. That's how sick of it I was.)
So I called to see how much it was and learned that hair cuts start at $65. That's a lot for this $40-haircut-girl, but I was anticipating loving my hair and so made an appointment. With a $65 stylist. (the range goes up to the owner, which is $200!!!)
So I went in for my appointment and met my stylist. (I don't want to trash him, but I also want you to avoid him...mention his name? Ask me if you must know) seemed really really nice. I explained to him that first of all, I was VERY nervous that they would want to just chop my hair, so if that was the suggestion to PLEASE go gradually and that I would be willing to do 1/2 today and come back again for a follow up.
He said I wouldn't need to do that, he was really only thinking to cut my hair an inch or two below my shoulder blades and keep it simple. I mentioned that my hair is pretty thick, so "shelf" layers do NOT work for me and he said "oh no, we won't do anything like that". And then he started his task.
And then I saw the pile of hair.
So much for an inch or two below the shoulder blades:

A few things to note:
1) I would not let a bad picture of my face on here, so it's not the BEST picture of the cut.
2) Looking at the picture, the left side of my hair is EXACTLY what I would have liked, without the "shelf" 2nd layer (hard to see, but it's there), even though it was MUCH shorter than I would have liked.
3) Now looking at the right side, notice there are 3 distinct layers. 2 on the left, 3 on the right?
4) He did NO thinning to my hair whatsoever so if I didn't have the intense discipline to straighten the crap out of my hair, it would have been a giant bubble.
So I decided after a few tears that I needed to call and let them know how unhappy I was. The gal at the desk was VERY nice and got me in for the next day to see a senior stylist at no charge to see if there was any fixing my hair.
Now, understand that I could have dealt with the long bottom length. I didn't want it to get shorter, but it looked so ridiculous that I knew I needed to do something. So I went in and saw Joe. Joe was also great and the look on his face when he started checking out my hair was priceless. Evidently EVERYTHING was cut crooked, and the 2 layers on one side and 3 on the others was worse than I thought - he thinks there were 4 on the right!
So he warned me that I might lose length on the sides to even it and I said okay and this is what
I ended up with:

Sorry for the dark picture, but you can kinda see the bottom layer flips a little off my shoulder and then the top is much more shaped around my face. He told me to try a technique to add more body to the top so it doesn't pull down so much at the part, but that would mean I would have to blow dry my hair, which I don't. :) (I wash it at night, sleep on it, then blow it out for about 3 minutes to force it straight, then flat iron, then curl.)
I don't like the shortness by my ears but I was tucking it back a lot and I liked that, but I like how it looks pulled back so I've been doing that and plan to until it grows out.
So...yeah. After all that, I'm still pulling my hair back. ;)
Let's see...what else....
Tomorrow is the 2 year anniversary of Jason and my first date. <3 He is planning our celebration this weekend and I am excited - he does SUCH a good job at romantic stuff when he puts his mind to it... swoon...
Jason also got the job he's been wanting for about a year - he will be working with his best friend at a commercial refridgeration company as an assistant engineer/mechanic. The pay is much better than we thought and now instead of driving 45 miles to work, he drives 5. VERY nice. :) And he gets to work with Clint, his heterosexual life partner. ;)
Clint and I have been swimming every Tuesday for the past two weeks. We're both very competitive and close to the same level so it's been good.
My classes are going well - Astronomy is interesting and English is much more research than I would have expected, but it's okay so far. I am getting used to actually studying which is new for me. ;)
Anyway...that's about it for now. All that wait for not much stuff. Whoo hoo...